Diet pattern is the most important thing which can affect nutrition status. The good diet pattern is balanced nutrition. In Indonesia, “PGS/Pedoman Gizi Seimbang” (balanced nutrition guideline) has been implemented since 1955, replacing “4 Sehat 5 Sempurna” (4 Healthy 5 Perfection) that has been introduced since 1952 & no longer suitable according to the latest nutrition research. In 1990, we already have PUGS/Pedoman Umum Gizi Seimbang (General Guideline for Balanced Nutrition) but still face a lot of problem in community socialization. Considering that fact, the government has established the new PGS, on 27 January 2014.
Based on the new PGS, there are 4 pillars as follows:
1) Consume variety of foods, because there is no single food that can provide all the nutrients needed by human, except breastmilk for infant under 6 months.
2) Maintain the hygienic condition
3) Regular physical activity
4) Keep the ideal body weight
The messages of new PGS 2014:
1) Be grateful & enjoy variety of foods;
2) Eat a lot of fruits & vegetables;
3) Consume high protein meals;
4) Consume variety of staple foods;
5) Limit sweets, salty & fatty foods;
6) Eat breakfast;
7) Drink sufficient & clean water;
8) Check the food labels;
9) Wash hands with soap & clean flowing water;
10)Regular physical activity & maintain ideal body weight
This new PGS also completed with the new ‘Tumpeng’ (Food Pyramid) & ‘Piring makanku: Porsi sekali makan’ (One-portion-eating-plate) illustrations as follows:
REFERENCE: http://gizi.depkes.go.id/pgs-2014-2
Below are some balanced diet guidelines illustrations from other countries: